Ironman Modes,Pre-EOC,PvM,RuneLite
4 months ago
Server ID:
Day | Votes Accepted | Votes Removed |
February, 08 | 19 | 0 |
February, 07 | 103 | 0 |
February, 06 | 87 | 0 |
February, 05 | 89 | 0 |
February, 04 | 89 | 0 |
February, 03 | 92 | 0 |
February, 02 | 90 | 0 |
February, 01 | 99 | 0 |
January, 31 | 87 | 0 |
January, 30 | 93 | 0 |
January, 29 | 99 | 0 |
January, 28 | 94 | 0 |
January, 27 | 90 | 0 |
January, 26 | 86 | 0 |
January, 25 | 97 | 0 |
January, 24 | 102 | 0 |
January, 23 | 98 | 0 |
January, 22 | 92 | 0 |
January, 21 | 99 | 0 |
January, 20 | 96 | 0 |
January, 19 | 105 | 0 |
January, 18 | 87 | 0 |
January, 17 | 87 | 0 |
January, 16 | 90 | 0 |
January, 15 | 106 | 0 |
January, 14 | 89 | 0 |
January, 13 | 93 | 0 |
January, 12 | 99 | 0 |
January, 11 | 98 | 0 |
January, 10 | 100 | 0 |
January, 09 | 71 | 0 |

What is Azerite RSPS and why is it in the RSPS Toplist?
Azerite is one of the largest RSPS out, with over 200 players online. Azerite has active staff and players making it fun and enjoyable for all who join!
Custom Raids on Azerite RuneScape Private Server
At current time, there are 8 fully custom raids unlike any others. These raids have full functioning mechanics along with difficulties to choose from. Each level of difficulty raised results in lowered drop rates for the items from said raid.
Demon Slayer Raids
Demon slayer raid is one of the two most recent raids added. This raid contains some of the items needed for BIS item upgrading. It also features cosmetic items that allow you to equip for more drop rate when raiding as a whole!
Black Clover Raids
Black Clover Raid was the second raid introduced in the most recent update as well. This raid contains the other items needed for BIS item upgrading. The biggest feature from this raid is the mini-me corruption which is a gamechanger and a must have!
Item Upgrading on Azerite RS Private Server
Item upgrading is a huge part of progression on Azerite as it allows players to create armour and weapons instead of having to buy them from other players! This itself is a grind but so worth it knowing it's available to everyone!
Armour and weapon creation
From T4 all the way to T13 which is BIS, you can create your sets as you wish. You can skip tiers and progress however, there is always a need for some of the lower level tiers to continue your grind and progression!
Pet upgrading and accessories
There is a feature with item upgrading that allows you to make a Mini-me pet and gear it up with whatever you choose and any style you would like. This Mini-me is another version of you that will fight with you against whatever you’re at battle with! A unique aspect of the Mini-me pet is that you can equip it with Talisman’s that upgrade it even further and give it different buffs that affect your main character directly.
Unique bosses on Azerite RSPS
Right now there are currently 15 unique bosses which range from beginner to expert! Some bosses are as simple as attacking with soulsplit to kill. Others have custom mechanics which require you to learn them and pay attention! Some of these bosses require certain things to be done such as zone completion, Kill count, and Raids completed.
Slayer bosses
On top of our 15 regular bosses, we have 11 slayer bosses that are locked behind slayer points to unlock! These slayer bosses are assigned by task and give you Boss Slayer Tokens to spend in the Boss Slayer shop!
Azerite RSPS Talisman’s
Azerite features items that go into the talisman slots on your main character or your Mini-me.These Talisman’s each hold a different function and attribute towards your stats or health! There are more than 20 different talisman’s that can be used in different ways!
Aftershock Talisman
There are 4 variants of the Aftershock Talisman at this point in time. The Aftershock Talisman deals AOE damage when equipped in 1 of your 4 talisman slots for your character. Aftershock 1 is the least powerful while Aftershock 4 is the most powerful!
Precision Talisman
Like the Afterchock Talisman, the Precision Talisman has 4 variants. The Precision Talisman provides a bonus percentage of your maximum hit to your minimum hit, making you hit higher more consistently.
Slayer Totems on Azerite RuneScape Private Server
Slayer totems act as an invisible buff to your damage while on task. These totems stay in your inventory and don't take an equipment slot to benefit from them!
Epic Slayer Totem
At this time, the best totem you can have is the Epic Slayer Totem! This totem offers a 50% bonus to your damage on task. There are a total of 6 slayer totems in game right now, each progressively better until you reach the Epic Slayer Totem.
Store Benefits for Azerite Gamers
The store benefits on Azerite are an absolute boost when it comes to your gameplay.
Special Azerite RSPS Deals
The deals on Azerite are accessed by doing ::deals in game. There are a few different thresholds that you can reach by the amount you've spent in the store. Each threshold you hit, gives you more and more of a bonus, thus helping your money spent feel more worth it! On top of these already massive deals, there are even more deals on our Discord that are random which give you even more bang for your buck!
Right now there are Christmas Chest’s in the store. Each chest gives you 3 random pulls at some juicy gear and loot! There is a drop rate bar that goes up as you open them which makes your loot better and better the more you open. These boxes contain the new BIS T13 items at a rare chance!
Final Summary
Come play a new Custom RSPS, released August 11th! LIMITED TIME Referral Codes - ::ref freedonor - ::ref freebox - ::ref release [300+ ONLINE]. Don't miss the hype!