



Gambling,Ironman Modes,Pre-EOC,PvM




5 months ago

Server ID:


Day Votes Accepted Votes Removed
March, 12 103 0
March, 11 103 0
March, 10 97 0
March, 09 106 0
March, 08 99 0
March, 07 90 0
March, 06 92 0
March, 05 93 0
March, 04 98 0
March, 03 99 0
March, 02 90 0
March, 01 99 0
February, 28 89 0
February, 27 99 0
February, 26 108 0
February, 25 99 0
February, 24 89 0
February, 23 103 0
February, 22 104 0
February, 21 89 0
February, 20 92 0
February, 19 93 0
February, 18 94 0
February, 17 97 0
February, 16 92 0
February, 15 95 0
February, 14 100 0
February, 13 99 0
February, 12 103 0
February, 11 90 0

What is Royal RSPS? 

Royal is a top tier Runescape Private Server with some of the most unique customs out there. Royal Currently has over 100 players online growing daily! It has an established and contained economy that any new player can get into.

Custom Skills on Royal

Royal has skills that are unlike any other RSPS on the market currently. It currently has 3 custom skills that are all utilized in many different ways to help with your progression as you play through Royal!


Upgrading is a crucial part of this server as the progression can be based solely on your own ability to grind every aspect of the server! The current upgrading skill has 17 tiers! Tier 1 is your starter items and a few custom slayer helms! Tier 17 is your current BIS and requires quite a bit of grinding to achieve. Upgrading is also home to the custom raids unlocks which allow you to complete these raids! All in all, upgrading is a part of your gameplay that you’ll want to get familiar with as you continue to make strides towards end game content!


Breeding is something we’ve never seen on any server! This skill allows you to take your abundance of pets that you've achieved and sink them or “breed” them. In return you get what's called Breeding Tokens. These tokens can be used to purchase the higher tier pets which are a massive boost to your damage and drop rate! The higher level your breeding skill is, the higher tier pets you may sink for these tokens! Pets are a pivotal part of your gameplay here as it will help with the upgrading process getting you more drops and kills! All benefits that your pet has will be multiplied by 1.02x for each breeding level you have obtained, So if your pet has a 10% drop rate and you are level 10 breeding your pet will actually provide you with a 12% drop rate.


The Enchantment skill is something to give your account even more drop rate and double drop rate. In this skill you gather materials to create orbs that you may keep in your inventory for a boost! The orbs range from Sapphire all the way to onyx! Every attack you do, 10 orbs are used per NPC. Getting Enchanting to 99 is important due to the Max Cape. Getting 99 in ALL skills allows you to purchase and wear the Max Cape, which is our current 2nd best cape! You can also get these orbs from killing Global Bosses, or purchasing them from the Cash Shop at ::shops.

Custom Raids on Royal RS Server

There are custom raids on Royal RSPS that are exclusive to this server only! Each raid has its own benefits to them so completing them all are beneficial! We currently have Godly Raids, Diabolical Raids, Hellion Raids, Solaris Raids, Emperor Raids and finally Obsidian Raids!

Obsidian Raids

The Obsidian Raid is the newest raid released in the latest update! This raid has the BIS obsidian armour as drops along with the obsidian weapons! Not only that, but it also drops the new custom prayers that are an amazing upgrade for anyone’s account!

Royal Custom bosses

In Royal RSPS, there are 19 custom prayers! These prayers are all unlocked via a key of some sort from the six raids! These custom prayers range from drop rate and double drop rate, all the way to massive damage increases and pet multipliers!

Obsidian Reign and Obsidian Fury prayers

These are the two newest and most powerful prayers offered on Royal RSPS! Both acquired from Obsidian Raids at a pretty rare rate! The Obsidian Reign prayer boasts a massive 250% damage increase of your base damage! The Obsidian Fury prayer offers an enormous 5000% drop rate and 2500% double drop rate! Needless to say, both of these prayers are highly sought after!

Store Benefits for Royal Runescape Private Server Players

The store benefits on Royal are unmatched with the massive ::deals that rotate hourly continuously giving the most bang for your buck!

Special Royal Deals

The deals on Royal are accessed by doing ::deals in game. There are a few different thresholds that you can reach by the amount you've spent in the store. Each threshold you hit, gives you more and more of a bonus, thus helping your money spent feel more worth it. There are monthly campaigns that offer huge rewards the more you spend in our store!

Royal Custom bosses

There are currently 22 bosses in the game! These bosses are unique to Royal only and all have drops that can be acquired to boost your gameplay! These bosses drop armour and weapons needed to craft the BIS Twilight set. These bosses are unlocked by using the cash you acquire as you progress through the game.

Final Summary

Royal RSPS is one the most daring and unique servers to exist in the Custom RSPS niche. If you are looking for a good server to play that has an active community and amazing events, then Royal RSPS is the server for you!