Fantasy RSPS News 23/12/24

Fantasy RSPS News 23/12/24

What plans does Fantasy RSPS have for the future?

A lot of players have been wondering about what is happening with Fantasy RSPS in 2025? What plans do Fantasy RSPS have for the future?

Here are some answers:

Minigame Rework: Advanced Prayer Book

We are going down the list of old updates we have done and we will be making each piece of content that has been proven to be successful in the server, important again. Starting with the Prayer Chamber minigame, we are introducing a new "Advanced Prayer Book" that will bring players back to the Prayer Chamber to grind (and spend coins) on obtaining the new prayers. Old prayers will still be accessible, but they will be discontinued from being obtainable, and the new prayer book will be the meta. This will introduce a major cash sink into the game that will bring the economy into new levels, just like it did 6~ months ago when we released the first prayer book. Warning - any sort of grinding prior to this update will not transfer to this new rework.

New Players in Fantasy RSPS

Upon the release of our new update, we are expecting this to bring loads of new players  into the game through various advertising methods.

More Stable Economy in Fantasy Runescape Private Server

Inside of this same update, we will be discontinuing bundles to provide a more stable economy and less confusion for potential donators in the game. The bundles are being replaced with a much better and clean donation system "Gems" which will be a currency very similar to game credits that we used to have. These gems will be purchasable on the store, obtained through voting, giveaways, legion boss, and global bosses. Items on the store such as (boxes) will be purchasable through an in-game gems store. There will not be any sort of ::deals but we will provide a popup every so often that will offer discounted prices for spending gems on boxes. Each player that receives the popup will receive the same offer (the deals will never change and will always be the same) but the amounts might be different. For example, one player might receive a $50 offer while another player might receive a $100 offer. Or if two players receive a $50 offer, the items they receive will be the same and for the same price. Although these offers will be limited, and will be sent to the player through various ways of grinding the game.

This will also introduce F2P ways to obtain donations (or save up for the donations) or receive a discount for donating if you already have some gems saved up through F2P methods. It is going to provide stability for Voting as well as Legion Boss to always be worth doing, even when new content is released these two things will not become outdated. The benefit of voting will help us rise on the top lists to bring life back into the project.

New Gambling System

Gambling is being replaced with a new gambling system. The only currency that will be allowed to be gambled is going to be these gems through automatic flower poker allowing scam-proof gambling. This will mean that general items in the game will not be gamble-able and only these gems, making it so players in the game can not get "cleaned" for their wealth easily. Although, the gems will be tradeable so they could technically buy an "in-name" or buy "votes" for their wealth which is gems, and then gamble their wealth that way. The gems will be introduced within the next week, but we will not add any gambling restrictions for at least 30 days.

Live Streams and Wheel Spins with Jonny and Luke

Live streams will be making a return, we will be aiming for weekly duo streams (Jonny and Luke together IRL). During these streams Jonny will be doing wheel spins for Gems. Players can save up their gems through any means in the game for these streams, and spend them on streams for us to spin the wheel for rewards (this will be through a forced popup in-game). This will provide stable wheel spin streams that don't hurt the economy but also increases the value of gems overall.

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Final Summary

All of these things combined are going to bring new life into Fantasy RSPS going into 2025.