Zulrah Quick Guide: Strategy, Tips & Drops

Created by RSPS Expert


Date Oct 15, 2024



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approximate reading time: 4 min
views: 672

What is the OSRS Zulrah?

Zulrah is a difficult solo-only boss in Old School RuneScape (OSRS) with unique attack patterns and high-tier rewards. Defeating Zulrah requires careful planning, understanding of its phases, and the right equipment. Let’s break down everything you need to know about Zulrah, including its phases, strategies in OSRS, and recommended gear. With this information, you will be ready to take on Zulrah and make the most of its profitable drops.

Zulrah is a powerful snake-like boss located in a swamp south of Port Tyras. It’s known for its high-damage attacks and ever-changing attack patterns, making it one of the more difficult bosses to face in OSRS or even on private servers. The fight against Zulrah is split into different phases where the boss changes its forms, switching between ranged, magic, and melee attacks.

Fighting Zulrah is a test of skill and awareness, as players need to react to each phase and adapt their strategies on the fly. Players who master Zulrah can expect generous loot, including the coveted Tanzanite Fang, which is used to craft the powerful Toxic Blowpipe. Zulrah’s drops also include other high-value items like the Magic Fang and Serpentine Visage, making it a highly sought-after boss to defeat.

Whether in the original game or on Ikov RSPS, defeating Zulrah can be both rewarding and challenging, providing players with valuable items and testing their fighting abilities.

How to Get to Zulrah in OSRS

Reaching Zulrah’s shrine requires players to travel to a remote island south of Port Tyras. The easiest way to get there is by using the Zul-andra teleport scroll. These scrolls are often bought from the Grand Exchange or obtained as drops from various bosses. Using the teleport scroll takes you directly to the island where Zulrah is located. Alternatively, players can use the fairy ring code BJS and run south to the Zulrah boat.

Before starting your journey, it’s wise to have a one-click teleport, such as a Teleport to House tablet, to escape if things go wrong quickly. Having a good understanding of the path and a clear Zulrah inventory setup can save time and make the journey more efficient.

Getting to Zulrah is easy with the right teleports and preparation. Make sure you have a safe way back, and remember to gear up before heading to the fight.

Recommended Skills

Fighting Zulrah effectively requires a combination of skills. While lower levels can attempt the boss, having high combat stats makes the fight smoother and more manageable. Ideally, aim for:

  • 70+ Magic for consistent DPS.
  • 75+ Ranged to hit accurately and avoid taking too much damage.
  • 45+ Defence for using the Serpentine Helm.
  • 44 Prayer for access to Protection Prayers.
  • 70 Agility for shortcuts to reach Zulrah faster.

High skills in Hitpoints and Prayer will also help, as the fight can be intense. Bringing along anti-venom potions is a must to reduce damage from Zulrah’s venom attacks.

Deciphering Zulrah's Phases

Understanding Zulrah’s phases is the key to success. Zulrah boss in OSRS has three distinct forms: Serpentine (green), Magma (red), and Tanzanite (blue). Each form has a specific attack style and weakness, making it crucial to recognize the forms and react accordingly.

Zulrah’s Serpentine Form

This is Zulrah’s default form, recognizable by its green color. In this form, Zulrah uses ranged attacks only. Players should use Protect from Missiles to avoid most of the damage. The best strategy is to attack Zulrah with Magic in this form. Stay alert and prepare to switch prayers when the phase changes.

Zulrah’s Magma Form

The red-colored Magma form primarily uses powerful melee attacks. This is one of Zulrah’s most dangerous phases, as it can hit high numbers. Protect from Melee and keep your distance to avoid getting hit. Use Ranged attacks in this phase for the best damage output.

Zulrah’s Tanzanite Form

This form is identifiable by its blue color. Zulrah will attack with Magic in this phase. Use Protect from Magic to minimize incoming damage. During this form, Zulrah also spawns venom clouds, so keep moving to avoid getting trapped. Attack Zulrah using Ranged or Magic.

Each of Zulrah’s forms requires a different approach, so understanding and anticipating these phases is crucial for victory.

Fight Overview

The Zulrah fight consists of multiple phases, each requiring a unique strategy. Zulrah changes its form during these phases, switching between Serpentine, Magma, and Tanzanite forms. Each form has a different set of attacks and weaknesses, so understanding the order of appearance is key to handling the fight successfully. Besides its standard attacks, Zulrah also uses special abilities such as venom clouds and Snakelings, making it harder to maintain control of the fight.

Venom Clouds

Venom clouds are a common threat during Zulrah’s phases, especially when it is in the Tanzanite form. These clouds cause venom damage if the player stands in them for even a short time. As venom damage can add up quickly, it’s important to keep moving and not remain in one place for too long. If caught inside a cloud, the damage stacks up, making it challenging to recover. Use Anti-venom potions to reduce the risk and stay on the move to avoid getting surrounded.


Snakelings are small enemies that Zulrah summons at certain points in the fight. Although they don’t have much health, they can become a nuisance if ignored. They may cause consistent damage if left alone, so it’s best to eliminate them using fast attacks. Clearing them when Zulrah is less active will make it easier to focus on Zulrah without being interrupted by these small creatures.

Deciphering Zulrah’s Phases

Zulrah’s forms follow a predictable order, and recognizing the phase changes will make the encounter more manageable. Learning the patterns and reacting to them will help reduce damage taken and speed up the fight.

Understanding Zulrah’s phases, managing venom clouds, and dealing with Snakelings are all important steps to succeed in this battle.

Special Attacks

Zulrah’s special attacks make the encounter more difficult and require players to stay alert throughout the fight. Knowing how to counter these attacks is important for handling Zulrah’s different phases and forms.


Snakelings are small creatures that Zulrah spawns during some of its phases. Although they are not strong individually, they can add up to a lot of damage if ignored. It’s recommended to use a fast Ranged weapon like the Toxic Blowpipe to clear them out as soon as they appear. They should be handled when Zulrah is not actively attacking so the player can focus on both Zulrah and the Snakelings without being overwhelmed. Ignoring them could make the fight harder and reduce the chances of success.

Venom Clouds

Venom clouds are another special attack that can catch players off guard, especially during Zulrah’s Tanzanite Form. These clouds will fill up different sections of the arena, dealing venom damage over time. To avoid getting trapped, players must keep moving constantly during these phases. Using Anti-venom+ potions can neutralize the venom status and stop the poison damage from affecting the player. This allows more time to focus on positioning and attacking Zulrah.

Overcoming the Venomous Challenge

Dealing with venom is a key part of fighting Zulrah successfully. Bringing anti-venom potions is necessary to prevent long-lasting damage. Alternatively, players can wear a Serpentine Helm to avoid venom status during the entire fight fully. This can save supplies and allow more time to focus on Zulrah’s attacks.

Zulrah’s special attacks make it a unique and challenging boss. Clearing Snakelings and avoiding venom clouds will improve the chances of completing the encounter without taking unnecessary damage.

Recommended Equipment

The right equipment is essential for fighting Zulrah. Depending on your setup, you can use a Magic-only, Ranged-only, or hybrid approach.

Magic Only

Using only Magic is viable, but players should bring high Magic gear for the best results. Use:

  • Trident of the Swamp (or Seas).
  • Ahrim’s Robes or Mystic Robes.
  • Occult Necklace and Mage’s Book.

Magic & Ranged

For players who want to maximize DPS, a combination setup is best. Use Magic for certain phases and switch to Ranged for others. Recommended items include:

  • Toxic Blowpipe.
  • Armadyl Crossbow.
  • High-tier Ranged and Magic gear.

Ranged Only

Players who prefer Ranged can bring items like:

  • Toxic Blowpipe or Armadyl Crossbow.
  • Void Ranged Gear or Armadyl Armor.
  • Ava’s Assembler.


Regardless of the chosen Zulrah gear setup, an optimal inventory should include:

  • Anti-venom+ (multiple doses).
  • Prayer potions.
  • High-healing food like sharks or mantas.
  • One-click teleport for emergencies.

Zulrah is a complex boss requiring preparation and practice. With the right strategy, players can master its phases and capitalize on its valuable drops. Understanding Zulrah’s attack patterns and equipping the correct gear will make a significant difference. As you get better at predicting Zulrah’s phases, you’ll find the fight easier and more profitable.

The Reward of Conquering Zulrah

Defeating Zulrah in Old School RuneScape offers various rewards that can benefit any player. Zulrah is known for its high-value combat achievements, making it a popular target for players looking to make money and improve their equipment. Players who consistently defeat Zulrah can build up wealth over time, allowing them to afford better items and supplies for future adventures.

Zulrah Drop Table

Rarity Item Quantity
Rare Tanzanite Mutagen 1
Magic Fang 1
Pet Snakeling 1 (chance)
Uncommon Zulrah's Scales 1-150
Tanzanite Fang 1
Serpentine Visage 1
Common Coins 5,000 - 12,000
Snakeskin 1-3
Nature Runes 3-10
Death Runes 3-10
Law Runes 3-10
Prayer Potions 1-2
Super Restore Potions 1-2
Zulrah's Heart 1 (chance)

The main attraction of the Zulrah drop rate is the chance to receive unique items like the Tanzanite Fang, Magic Fang, and Serpentine Visage. These items can be used to create powerful gear such as the Toxic Blowpipe, Trident of the Swamp, and Serpentine Helm. These weapons and armor are useful for a variety of other activities in the game, making them desirable for many players.

In addition to unique drops, Zulrah provides valuable resources like zul-andra teleports, high-level runes, and rare seeds. These items can be sold for profit or used in skilling. Even lower-level drops like Dragon Med Helmets and Battlestaves add to the total earnings from a Zulrah kill in OSRS.

In conclusion, the reward for defeating Zulrah includes high-value items, useful gear upgrades, and a steady source of profit. Players who invest time and effort into mastering the fight can expect great returns in terms of wealth and equipment.


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