01/15/25 - Artemis Custom RSPS Update #1

A new update has released on Artemis RSPS, supported by the rsps-servers toplist.
Duskroot Corruptor Boss
Unlocked for 150M coins, drops the new T10 Duskroot armour.

Shardvin Wraithcaller Boss
Unlocked for 150M coins, drops the new T10 Shardvin armour.

Shadowblom Spore Boss
Unlocked for 150M coins, drops the new T10 Shadowbloom armour.

Fantastic Slayer Master
Assigns all of the new bosses as a task!

T10 Armour / Weapons
Various new T10 armours and weapons are available.

T11 Armour / Weapons
Introducing the powerful T11 armours and weapons.

Mossveil Zulrah (Slayer Boss)
The instance item is bought from the Slayer shop!

Mossveil Accessories
The mossveil accessories are the all new t11 Best in slot accessories!

Mossveil Chest
Contains various new rewards!

Global Buff
All global bosses drop tables are updated!

Legion Boss
The legion boss has been added (Legion rank benefit).

Fantastic Five Box
Contains multiple fantastic rewards!

HUGE Fantastic Box
Contains even more fantastic rewards!

Chest Choice Update
Updated chest choices for more rewards.

Doom Aura
Obtained from the new HUGE Fantastic Box!

Bond Shop Updated
The bond shop has the new boxes!

Other Updates
All doom items buffed
Vote reward updated
YouTube reward updated
Fixed random items being untradeable
You can now make a wish at the well
Fixed matrydoom prayer not giving slayer xp
Season pass now counts entrana raids
Fixed claiming $1 rank scrolls
Insignia's now drop from slayer
T1 Upgrades no longer require archaic
Fixed bug with spawning duplicate npcs in godly raid
Added slayer task blockng board
Fixed legion pet
Added dissolve for clue ticket items