01/12/25 - StrattusX Custom RSPS Update #3

Rainbow Zone
The new Rainbow Zone can be unlocked for 1T!
Prismshade Set
The all new Prism set is a T17 magic set obtained from Zone 1 in the Rainbow World
Aurora Set
The all new Aurora set is a T17 melee set obtained from Zone 1 in the Rainbow World
Radiant Set
The all new Radiant set is a T17 ranged set obtained from Zone 1 in the Rainbow World
Chroma Set
The Chroma Set is the ALL NEW best in slot (T18) gear! This gear is Tribrid and can only be obtained through the T18 Invention.
This T18 Invention requires the Rainbow partyhat, which is obtained from Zone 2 of the Rainbow World
Rainbow Slayer Master
The rainbow slayer master assigns the new Rainbow World monsters as a task
Rainbow Raid
The new rainbow raid can be started by obtaining Rainbow Raid Tickets from the Slayer shop! This raid will give you rainbow keys, which gives Rainbow Accessories
Rainbow Accessories
The all new Rainbow Accessories are obtained through Invention, Raid Shop, Rainbow Chest & More!
Rainbow Crates
Rainbow Crates can be bought from the Crate area at home!
Rainbow Clues & Caskets
Vote Streaks
Rainbow Pets
Rainbow Boxes
Chest Choice
Aura of Eternity
Obtained from the new Rainbow Box!
Charging Staff 13x13
Global Buff
Radiant Donator
Requires $75K Claimed
160% XP Boost (+10%)
100% Damage Boost (+40%)
3000 Drop Rate (+1000)
750 Double Drop Rate (+400)
The new Radiant Donator zone
Extravagant Donator
Requires $250K Claimed
170% XP Boost (+10%)
200% Damage Boost (+100%)
5000 Drop Rate (+2000)
1250 Double Drop Rate (+500)
The new Extravagant Donator zone
Bond Shop Updated
Cursed Raid Changes
The drop rate for the Skeleton mages has been lowered by 50%
The health of the Skeleton mages has been lowered slightly
The cursed items are now best in slot cosmetic bonuses
The amount of keys per raid has been doubled
Other Updates
- Vote rewards have been updated
- YouTube Rewards have been updated
- All Eternity items have been buffed