Strattus X




Gambling,Ironman Modes,Pre-EOC,PvM




3 months ago

Server ID:


StrattusX RSPS Update #2 - Season 2 Pass
StrattusX Custom RSPS Update #3 - Rainbow World Update, Rainbow Slayer Mast...
Day Votes Accepted Votes Removed
February, 07 107 0
February, 06 89 0
February, 05 99 0
February, 04 101 0
February, 03 89 0
February, 02 102 0
February, 01 95 0
January, 31 102 0
January, 30 97 0
January, 29 98 0
January, 28 105 0
January, 27 100 0
January, 26 100 0
January, 25 97 0
January, 24 91 0
January, 23 90 0
January, 22 101 0
January, 21 105 0
January, 20 104 0
January, 19 90 0
January, 18 106 0
January, 17 101 0
January, 16 95 0
January, 15 99 0
January, 14 102 0
January, 13 92 0
January, 12 95 0
January, 11 100 0
January, 10 95 0
January, 09 104 0

Why is StrattusX One of the best on the RSPS List? 

StrattusX is one of the largest and most unique on RSPS list. With over 300 players online, StrattusX released December 27th, as one of the largest RuneScape Private Servers.

Worlds of StrattusX RSPS

At the time of this Article, StrattusX has 4 worlds (Earth, Snow, Demonic & Galaxy). Each world has different monsters, custom RSPS items, raids, slayer masters and more.

Earth world

The Earth World is the first world in StrattusX. All new players start their grind here with the first Earth set. When you first start the Earth world it is recommended to get an Earth Slayer Task from the Earth Master. Doing this, will help with your grind from the beginning, ensuring you do not lose any progress or time. When joining, make sure to utilize ::progress. The progression system on StrattusX gives you extra rewards in the Earth World!

Snow World

Starting the Snow World might seem like a challenge because you will not get extra rewards through ::progress but don’t let this frighten you! The snow world is nearly just as easy as the Earth world and it gives even better rewards! The snow world has a snow raid which allows you to grind for snow accessories. It’s highly recommended in this zone to begin Raids, as even one accessory can increase your damage up to double! In this world, you will also begin to progress towards the Demonic world which will be the first big challenge!

Demonic World

The Demonic World in StrattusX is the first big challenge! In this world, the grind is slightly longer than the snow world but you will work towards receiving demonic themed items. Just like the snow world, the Demonic World also has a raid and a slayer master. It’s highly recommended to utilize these features as much as possible to ensure you get the most out of your time.

Galaxy World

The Galaxy World is the most difficult worlds on StrattusX. This world will be a grind so make sure to be prepared for this! At the time of this article, the Galaxy World is the newest world to release into Strattus. Very similar to the Demonic World, this world also comes with a raid and a slayer master. Be ready to stay at this world for the long haul.

Custom Skills in StrattusX RS Private Server

There are many different custom skills on StrattusX such as the unique Charging skill, Invention and Raids.


The Charging Skill on StrattusX allows you to upgrade your AOE staff. This staff is extremely important, because it gives you the benefit “area of effect”. To start this skill, head over to the south-west area of home and find the Obelisk. Selecting the Obelisk while wearing the Charging Staff will show you what gems are required to upgrade the staff. Directly next to the charging obelisk you will find the crafting shop, this shop allows you to buy uncut gems. You must cut these gems before bringing them to the Obelisk.


The Raids skill on StrattusX is one of the more basic skills, but it provides great benefit. This skill can be trained by doing any of the raids in the RSPS. The higher your raid level, the more raids ash you will obtain at the end of the raid!


The Invention skill allows you to upgrade your items to a higher tier! To train this skill, select it inside of the skills tab and it will open the Invention interface. This skill requires invention bulbs, which can currently be obtained through voting, raids, and the trivia shop.

Store Benefits for StrattusX players

The store benefits on StrattusX RSPS are absolutely amazing! It is highly recommended to check out every benefit you can get through ::deals and ::store.H3 Chest Choice

The Chest Choice on StrattusX RSPS gives you a 1 in 15 chance to get a super unique item. This item is always best in slot and comes with permanent cosmetic bonuses to provide long term value in your Custom Item. If you are unlucky, don’t worry because all items in the chest choice are valuable! The chest choice is given to each player that spends $50 on the store. This is one of the most unique store features in all of RSPS!


The deals on StrattusX RSPS can be opened using ::deals ingame. There are many different options in this interface such as Weekly Bonuses, Item Purchase Deals, Offers, and Campaigns. These deals are a must see, as it gives insane amounts of items.

Mystery Boxes

Try your luck with the mystery boxes! These are some of the best Mystery Boxes in all of RSPS. For example, the accessory loot box gives you every accessory in the game except for the Galaxy ones. This is an amazing way to progress your account in StrattusX RSPS. 

Final Summary

StrattusX is one of the most unique RuneScape Private Server (RSPS). On StrattusX, there are many different benefits of joining the game, which are unique and highly rewarding. We highly recommend checking out this server, and we promise that you will not regret it!